Sunday, April 8, 2012

Back Home/Upcoming Shows

It was an excellent month! Thank you so much to both Delay and Reverse the Curse! A huge thank you as well to everyone who came to the shows, hung out with us or let us crash in their houses! We are working steadily now on finishing songs for a new full length. I will keep you updated on everything there. In the meantime we do have some very exciting shows coming up!

Check it out:

4/14 - Columbus, OH @ Kafe Kerouac w/ Delay & Dewdroppers

4/18 - Columbus, OH @ Ace of Cups w/ Big Eyes & Tight Bros

4/20 - Dayton, OH @ Basho w/ City of Brass

5/26 - Columbus, OH @ Carabar w/ Compressions & Sinkane

Sunday, April 1, 2012 Interview!

We did an interview at! You can read it here!